Front-load or top-load? Who wins in the battle of washing machines? In the second part of our two-part series, we'll explore the pros and cons of top-loading washers. Generally larger, bulkier, and less-gadgety than front-loaders, these washing machines still have a number of key traits that may be more appealing to someone who's just looking for a machine that gets the job done.
As we stated in our first post, much of your decision will come down to personal preference. Each type of washer stands out in its own way and which choice you make may be influenced by familiarity, comfort, and confidence. With this post, we'll give you some insight on the pros and cons of top-loading washing machines.
The Pros
Cheaper Options
We'll put this one front and center: top-loading washers are cheaper across the board. Front-loaders frequently come equipped with fancy (and sometimes gimmicky) features that raise their price. While some of these features are useful, others will rarely, if ever, be used. If a dashboard full of options doesn't interest you, save some money with a top-loading washing machine.
Simple Features
Like we mentioned above, top-loading washers don't come packed with features. Chances are you grew up with one, know how they work, and running/changing loads is second nature to you. Top-loaders offer the basics, and sometimes that's all we need.
Flexible Cycles
Top-loading washers allow you to add and adjust loads mid-cycle. A simple feature, but one that can save you some headaches. Due to how front-loaders are designed, you can't easily make adjustments mid-cycle without completely resetting the wash.
The Cons
Higher Energy Costs
Top-loading washing machines use a lot of water, with some estimates being upwards of 7,000 gallons more than front-loaders, per year. They also tend to use far more electricity. If you're worried about energy usage and efficiency, top-loading washers might not be your best choice.
Larger Size
These washing machines are big, clunky, and don't allow for many placement options. Their lid requires space above to fully open, meaning you can't fit the washer beneath low-hanging cupboards or shelves. You'll also miss out on the opportunity to stack your washer and dryer as a set.
Already decided what type you need? If you're in the market for an upgrade, Progressive Leasing offers easy, affordable payment options on a number of appliances, including washers and dryers. Visit progleasing.com and us our Find-A-Store feature to locate a retailer near you.
Check out part one of this blog series right here: 3 Great Things (and 2 Bad) About Top-Loading Washers.